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The father of Mathieu Van der Poel gives fans hope: ‘Mathieu has already managed to establish a very broad base in Spain.’

Mathieu van der Poel achieved an undisputed victory in Herentals last weekend, while his father, Adrie, watched his spectacular performance. Adrie did not express surprise, highlighting the excellent work done during the winter to achieve the ideal physical condition.

‘From a fitness point of view, we knew he was in good shape. And despite a mistake (a fall), not much happened. At least it looked good. We can make great progress with this,’ said Adrie van der Poel to the Belgian channel Sporza. After attacking in the first lap, the World Champion debuted the new jersey in grand style, leading the race from start to finish.

Watch the start, where Van der Poel takes the lead and is never caught:

Good prospects for the Tabor World Championships

This was the positive sign that Alpecin-Deceuninck and the Dutchman’s fans were hoping for at the beginning of his campaign, even though some still question whether his form is already too good and might decline in the coming days, considering there are six weeks left until the Tabor World Championships.

‘Mathieu has already managed to establish a very broad base in Spain. Intensity will be crucial in the coming weeks, and then he will return to the Training Camp,’ revealed Adrie Van der Poel. ‘It’s a well-thought-out and good choice for the road races that will follow. pai de mathieu van der poel enche fas de esperanca mathieu ja conseguiu estabelecer uma base muito ampla na espanha image 1
Van der Poel crosses the finish line after leading the entire race in a solo flight.

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