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Wout Van Aert showcases his skills on another track in Colombia, the dance floor; watch the video

Wout van Aert is currently in Colombia. Next Sunday, he will join El Giro de Rigo, a Gran Fondo organized by Colombian cyclist Rigoberto Uran. The route covers 160 kilometers, reaching altitudes of 2,400 meters in the Colombian mountains.

Boat ride

However, the experience is not limited to cycling, as Uran has prepared various surprises for his guest. Images released show Wout van Aert exploring the beauty of Colombian nature during a boat ride on the Magdalena River.

Gala night

In the evening, Rigoberto Uran organized a gala party, and if Rigo Urán invites you to one of his parties, there will be a viral video.

This has already happened with Tadej Pogacar, and now, as expected, the cyclist from Urrao made Wout Van Aert dance, showing off his moves before taking on the Giro de Rigo, where he will be the protagonist. Van Aert enjoyed a hearty meal and, dressed in an elegant suit, hit the dance floor. He even ventured, but we must admit that on a bike, Wout Van Aert may have a better performance.

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