Flanders Classics announced this Thursday some changes to the route of the next Tour of Flanders. The changes were made with the safety of athletes in mind. The end of the race remains unchanged for both men and women.
After a year in Bruges, the start takes place again in Antwerp. The finish line, as usual, is on Minderbroedersstraat in Oudenaarde.

Alternate starting system
Since 2022, Antwerp and Bruges have alternated as starting cities for the Tour of Flanders. Last year, it was Bruges’ turn, and now, on Sunday, March 31, the starting gun will be fired again in Antwerp’s Grand Square.
One new thing is that the squad will not immediately go to Linkeroever. Cyclists will travel around 5 km in a neutralized system, through the city center of Antwerp. Afterwards, the official start will finally take place, at Galgenweel in Linkeroever (neighborhood of Antwerp).

Changes in approach to the Flemish Ardennes
The first part of the 100 km route also underwent changes, taking the peloton through the cities of the Tour. This year, the cities will be Sint-Niklaas, Hamme, Haaltert, Herzele and Zottegem. Herzele and Zottegem will also host the women’s race, which will start again at the Market Square in Oudenaarde.
The final starts 45 km from the finish with Koppenberg. The approach to Bult van Melden was equal for men and women. “A choice for equality, but most importantly for safety,” said race director Scott Sunderland.
“Concretely, this means that cyclists, after the first climb of the Paterberg, will travel on roads where visibility will be much better. We are making the approach to Koppenberg more direct.”

Identical ending for men and women
The men’s and women’s race will then head to an unchanged and identical final towards Oudenaarde. The outcome takes place again on the Oude Kwaremont and the Paterberg. The finish line is 13 km ahead. The men’s arrival is scheduled for around 4:30 pm, and the end of the women’s race at around 5:45 pm (local time).