A Jumbo-Visma concluiu sua formação para a próxima temporada. A equipe holandesa anunciou oficialmente a inclusão do treinador norueguês Espen Aareskjold e, além disso, recebeu reforço nos bastidores com a adição de Jacco Verhaeren, um experiente treinador de natação que apoiará diversos aspectos da equipe, principalmente nos bastidores.
Atualmente, Verhaeren é técnico nacional dos nadadores franceses, com foco nos Jogos Olímpicos de Paris, mas tanto ele quanto a Jumbo-Visma, acreditam firmemente na efetiva troca de conhecimentos entre diferentes esportes.

The exchange of ideas had already been occurring between Jumbo-Visma and Jacco Verhaeren.
“In recent years, I have frequently exchanged insights and ideas with Jacco,” says sports manager Merijn Zeeman. “After our best season ever, it is important for us to continue seeking improvements and new insights. Along with Mathieu Heijboer, I came to the conclusion that Jacco can provide us with these new ideas and other insights from another sport. We are starting with a modest collaboration, which we hope will lead to more in the future.”
The new hire will provide input on training.
Verhaeren explains his role within the team: “Knowledge sharing is the reason for this collaboration. I want to get to know cycling better and will give my opinion on performance and training processes.”
“I am still one hundred percent committed to the French swimming team in preparation for the Olympics, but I would like to shed some light on the current performance approach of Jumbo-Visma. I do this ‘through my swimming goggles.’ What they do with it is up to them,” concludes the new addition.