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Bicycles Pinarello stolen from the brand’s showroom, bicycles were valued at 250,000 Euros

Uma investigação foi lançada na Itália, depois que 19 bicicletas Pinarello, no valor de 250 mil euros foram roubadas de um showroom, em Treviso no final da semana passada.

As bicicletas foram roubadas do showroom, em dois arrombamentos separados, que ocorreram com apenas 20 horas de intervalo.

Segundo reportagem do La Tribuna di Treviso, na madrugada de 23 de novembro, uma van parou ao lado do prédio. Vários indivíduos mascarados saíram, atravessaram uma cerca de segurança e forçaram a entrada no showroom. bicicletas pinarello roubadas de showroom da marca na italia bicicletas estavam avaliadas em 250 000 euros image 1
Historic bicycles are on display in the showroom.

Cameras recorded the theft.

The report states that CCTV captured three of the individuals removing at least 12 bicycles from the Cicli Pinarello showroom within three minutes before the arrival of the Italian police at the scene.

Later that day, at 11 p.m. local time, three more masked thieves were successful in a second assault on the Pinarello store, according to La Tribuna di Treviso. bicicletas pinarello roubadas de showroom da marca na italia bicicletas estavam avaliadas em 250 000 euros image 2
The store is the headquarters of the brand’s office.

Although it’s not clear what happened, the media reports that the police do not rule out the possibility that the same thieves were involved after their success that day. The security fence was cut again, and the same security door was opened once again.

On the second occasion, seven bicycles with an approximate value of €14,000 were taken. Although not officially disclosed yet, the Italian press stated that all stolen bikes were road bikes. bicicletas pinarello roubadas de showroom da marca na italia bicicletas estavam avaliadas em 250 000 euros image 3

The store is the headquarters of Pinarello’s office.

The Treviso showroom also functions as the administrative office of Pinarello.

Italian police and investigators are now reviewing surveillance footage captured of three of the suspects who invaded the showroom. It is likely that both robberies were committed by the same group due to identical break-ins.

The group also seemed to have knowledge of where the state-of-the-art bicycles were stored in the building. bicicletas pinarello roubadas de showroom da marca na italia bicicletas estavam avaliadas em 250 000 euros image 4

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