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Mathieu Van der Poel and Annemiek van Vleuten auction their World Champions jerseys; Check the current value and place a bid

Cycling fans now have the opportunity to own a race jersey worn by Mathieu van der Poel or Annemiek van Vleuten, courtesy of a special auction for the Youth Sports & Culture Fund.

“This is the outfit I wore during the Tour de France. I had become World Champion in 2022, so I was at the start of the Tour with this suit. The shirt number is still on it, but I had to wash it,” explains Annemiek van Vleuten about the Rainbow jersey she donated, in a conversation with the TV program Beau. “It has the number 1 shirt because I won the Tour the previous year.” mathieu van der poel e annemiek van vleuten leiloam suas camisas de campeoes mundiais confira o valor atual image
Van Vleuten during the interview.

Mathieu Van der Poel also offered his autographed jersey for auction.

Van Vleuten also revealed that Mathieu Van der Poel has made his World Champion jersey available after winning the title this year in Glasgow. mathieu van der poel e annemiek van vleuten leiloam suas camisas de campeoes mundiais confira o valor atual image 1

The auction, which already has a selling price of 1,750€, will be concluded on December 12. For more information or to place a bid, click here. mathieu van der poel e annemiek van vleuten leiloam suas camisas de campeoes mundiais confira o valor atual image 2

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